Community Garden
Our bountiful garden supplements our community meals with gloriously delicious organically grown foods. Some of our favorites include salad greens, green beans, zucchini, garlic, chard, tomato, a variety of berries and okra. Though one or two members volunteer to coordinate planting and work efforts, all are encouraged to plant what they'd like to eat!
Kids grow food too - and especially love aerating the soil with their shovels and trucks. Community parents recently erected a small play structure in the garden to further occupy playful young ones (and allow mamas and papas to keep on weeding!). Neighbors are also strongly encouraged to take what they'd like from the garden.
Working in the garden can be physically demanding, and not possible for all - but at CI, we believe that all neighbors should have access of our communally grown food. Though community members are invited to work in the garden at times convenient to their personal schedules, the groundwork committee schedules one 4hour community work day per month. Working in the garden grows our relationships with one another, and community bonds!
Many members pitch in to care for the community garden.
Esme, one of the bolder and more inquisitive chickens belonging to one family, invites herself in to a neighbor’s home.